Hacker’s In Flight Guide

Pilots have them… why can’t we?!?  The idea is to have small checklists and reference manuals that reduce the amount of time it takes to do something.  In the case of an Information Technology professional, it’s those options, attributes, and syntaxes that we sometimes can’t figure out.  HackerIFG.com is the perfect place for that on-the-go summary of reference you’ve been looking for.

The Hacker’s In Flight Guide was created as a one-stop-shop for common references within the Linux (UNIX) and hacking community. The information found within this site is ‘simply’ designed, so as to spark a memory of something you already know.  In many cases, simply reading over the material can be enough to spark that genius moment when a strategy is formulated.

If you love it, bookmark it and use it whenever you want.  The information found here is completely public and can be found in several different places.  I simply hope to bring it all together in a convenient place.  Take care, and enjoy!


What you can expect:

Each page on the site will be a quick reference and will be outlined by some bullet lists.  Here’s an example:

  • The Command — This will be a small explanation of what the command is used for
    • You might see a quick sub bullet outlining important notes
      • [ -v ] within the bracket is an option you may use with the command
      • [ -w ] next to the bracketed option will be an explanation of what it does
      • [ -x + char ] you may see a plus sign signifying you can add to the option
      • [ -x + char ] the char is the addition and may be whatever you’d like
      • [ y=variable ] our there may be an equal sign to add info to the option
  • Some pages are simply explanations of system characteristics
    • Most of the time, this will simply be linked to as a reference
    • If you see a link and don’t know what it is, click it to learn
      • If you still don’t know what it is, do a google search

$ This symbol indicates a normal user (use sudo if needed)
# This symbol indicates a root user

NOTE:  Sometimes, a double dash will be shown as one long dash, depending on your web browser.  Syntax is very important, so make sure you’re using the correct one.  Double Dash [ — ] and Single Dash [ – ]

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